Mystery Man Back in US With Secrets of Iron Curtain
By George Bick
Courtesy of The Detroit News, circa August 1960
Tom Mooradian relaxed at home on Detroit's southwest side today, sharing with his parents the love that would not be
exchanged during his 13 years behind the Iron Curtain as a citizen of Soviet Armenia.
What went on in the USSR will remain a secret between Mooradian, his parents and the US State Department. He says
he has been told not to talk about it.
But on the subject of being home, the handsome, 32 year old Mooradian left no doubt--he is happy.
Mooradian was one of a group of about 350 Armenians who quit this country in 1947 to go to Armenia in the USSR. He
was 19 at the time.
Only the year before, he had captained the Southwestern High School basketball team to the championship of the
Metropolitan League by beating Miller High School, 30-28.
That was one of the most exciting basketball championships ever played in Detroit. Mooradian was a high scorer with
eight points.
A brilliant student, Mooradian had many college scholarship offers. He rejected them all.
In 1946 he was a candidate for governor of Wolverine Boys State, sponsored by the American Legion at Michigan State
University. He lost, but his campaign speech was one of the highlights of the race.
When he joined the Armenians bound for the...(second part of article lost over time)